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As part of our active talent pool, we will proactively search for candidates who match appropriate roles. Please specify your preferred role information below to aid in our searching.

Data Privacy

By completing an application form and equalities monitoring form, you agree that we may collect, hold, process and use your information (including personal information) for the purpose of processing your application and administering any future NNDC employment and carrying out technical and statistical analysis anonymously to measure the performance of our services, recruitment success or for equal opportunities monitoring.

Should you be successful in your application, the data on your application form will become part of your employment record and will be retained for the duration of your employment and for the
required period thereafter to comply with legislative and policy requirements.

Should you be unsuccessful in your application, the data on your application form will be retained for a period of 6 months for audit purposes and/or to alert you of any subsequent vacancies to which you may be suited.

Thereafter, only anonymous data will be retained for the purpose of anonymous statistics to comply with the requirements to publish data under the Equality Act and for the purpose of process

Our full privacy policy can be found at: in new tab

CV Upload

Please upload your CV below. This will help to speed up the application process and populate your profile.